Quantum mechanics provides, to date, the most accurate understanding of the microscopic world of atoms, molecules and photons allowing them to be in the superposition of two different, perfectly distinguishable configurations at the same time. However, the macroscopic world that is before our very own eyes doesn’t seem to respect quantum rules. Why is that so? TEQ addresses such a fundamental quest from an innovative standpoint, supported by a € 4.4M grant awarded by the European Commission. The TEQ partners will develop new theoretical models and implement a test of the quantum superposition principle on macroscopic objects to establish the ultimate bounds to the validity of the quantum framework, if any.
Quantum mechanics provides, to date, the most accurate understanding of the microscopic world of atoms, molecules and photons allowing them to be in the superposition of two different, perfectly distinguishable configurations at the same time. However, the macroscopic world that is before our very own eyes doesn’t seem to respect quantum rules. Why is that so?
TEQ addresses such a fundamental quest from an innovative standpoint, supported by a € 4.4M grant awarded by the European Commission. The TEQ partners will develop new theoretical models and implement a test of the quantum superposition principle on macroscopic objects to establish the ultimate bounds to the validity of the quantum framework, if any.
Facts and Figures
Since January 2018, 97 scientific papers connected with the project have been published, among which 4 PRL, 1 Nature Physics and 2 Nature Communications. TEQ Consortium members have delivered 322 talks reaching more than 29.000 people in 30 different countries.
Moreover, TEQ-related news have been collected in 13 Newsletters and have been published in 56 press articles, among which an extended article on the New York Times Magazine.
Latest News
Very successful last Review Report
TEQ fullfills the promises to produce a substantial impact at both the scientific and societal levels. The construction of quantum-limited sensing devices achieves a considerable effect on quantum technologies, says EU Report.
TEQ on Cordis EU research results
TEQ has been featured in a 6-language research result article by CORDIS EU Research Results.
Prof. Drewsen (AU) gives talk in Trieste
In the frame of the bilateral cooperation between Aarhus University and University of Trieste, a talk on “Bounds to the coupling of bosons beyond the Standard Model to atoms through precise isotope shift measurements”.
UniTs research group wins Leonardo challenge
The purpose of the project, based on the researches and findings of TEQ, is to generalize the Noise-Gate approach also to measurement-based quantum computing.
New appointments for Prof. Caslav Brukner
The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts welcomed Brukner.
TEQ experimental success leads to new project
The experimental success of TEQ with levitated magnets has brought partners to win a 1m€ QuantERA 2021 Grant.
Latest Activities
Progression on TEQ experiments
The TEQ experimental teams are planning for a first low temperature test of the Paul trap at UoS by end of April.
Mini-Symposium Quantum Boundaries: Gravity-Related Collapse Models
Catalina Curceanu, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (INFN, Italy), chaired the symposium held in Frascati (IT).
Steering Committee Meeting
TEQ SC members will discuss the next 12 months of activities in light of the project extension.
TEQ Junior Workshop II
TEQ organizes the second TEQ Junior Workshop on July 8th, 2021 to follow up on the latest scientific developments of the project.
Laws of Nature Series kicks off with Nobel Roger Penrose
TEQ supports the Laws of Nature Series, a new initiative to promote the exchange of ideas in the field of the foundations of quantum physics.
TEQ experimentalists meet for follow-up
TEQ partners working on the set up of the experiments have met for a follow up after the November 2020 meeting.