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TEQ experimentalists have met on November 23, 2020 to update on developments of setting up the low-noise electronics, update on particle loading experiments at UCL & AU, and evidence for decision on details for realization of the ultimate experiment at Southampton. This is the follow up meeting after June 2020 on experiments.



14:30               Update on deliverable 1.5 preparation (M. Paternostro)

14:40               Update on trapping experiments (P. Barker and team), use of electronics (C. Curceanu and team) and AU-based DAQ system (M. Drewsen), optical trapping with M2 laser

15:00               Update on test with low noise electronics at AU (M. Drewsen)

15:20               Discussion on next steps with electronics and input for INFN, next version of electronics.

15:40               Particle loading and suggestions for experiment at Soton (magnetic or Paul trap, based on experience of all partners)

16:00               Summary and plans for next steps. 


Location:  online via Webex.



Catalina Curceanu INFN), Michael Drewsen (AU), Steffen Meyer (AU), Peter Barker (UCL), Thomas Penny (UCL), Jonthan Gosling (UCL), Massimiliano Bazzi (INFN), C. J. Timberlake (UoS), Mauro Paternostro (QUB), Alberto Clozza (INFN), Fabrizio Napolitano (INFN), Antonio Pontin (UCL), Andrea Vinante (UoS), Hendrik Ulbricht (UoS).